Monday, November 9, 2009

A note from Ian Rawson, HAS Board President, in Deschapelles

After one year, RTTP has seen its first class through a successful graduation. Hired in July of this year, David Charles is HAS's first Haitian physical therapist, and Dr. Ian Rawson, president of HAS's Board of Directors, sent us some updates from a recent meeting at the hospital.

Ian writes,

"David Charles made a lovely presentation today to the medical staff about the rehabilitation services.

He explained that in the first month of services, over 110 patients were seen by himself and the graduating students. These patients were referred by hospital doctors from among inpatients, mostly surgery and trauma. They also saw a number of patients who had been discharged and who returned for regular sessions as outpatients.

He has recently spent days at the dispensaries in Plassac, Bastien and Verettes, where he saw a number of new cases, mostly stroke, who will need active follow-up.

He explained that at HAS the philosophy for rehabilitation goes beyond mere physical therapy, but to needs which the patient encounters in his immediate environment and home, or Lakou. All of the factors of the social environment, both supportive or otherwise, are considered in developing a treatment plan.

Dr. Maibach [HAS Medical Director] closed by saying that HAS is unique in Haiti for having sch a well-developed program, and for having a philosophy of care which is drawn from the dominant philosophy of the hospital, Reverence for Life.

Love and congratulations,


The Rehab clinic at HAS.